Friday, May 2, 2008


break ups be likely to occur for many reasons… infidelity, unsatisfied sex life, jealousy and so much more… in some cases, things that cause break ups can be taken into any new relationships, causing it to be doomed from the start... but this need not happen… any person going through a break up can now get the help that they need and deserve to get their life back on track.

but… the loss of a relationship can be incredibly hard… you can feel so much pain… not only the grief from losing someone important in your life, but the pain of seeing your hopes and dreams of a future life together disappear as well…

you’ll have this feeling like you're starting over… you may feel like you're starting over… that you've lost everything that was important to you and you're not sure what to do anymore… it may be hard for you to imagine your life without your partner - your lives have been so intertwined… but hey! it’s not the end of the world… this is for you, my friend…

here is how to deal with break ups:

Ø Yes there will definitely be a period of intense shock, anger, hatred, jealousy, self doubts etc. Maybe even total disorientation and re-adjustments. Remember by letting your emotions control you are allowing the final triumph to your ‘opponent’. So don’t let this period of heightened emotions last more than 3 days.

Ø Don’t feed on these emotions to sustain them. Just like you would very willingly go under a surgeon’s knife to cut off a cancerous growth, treat this situation like a cancer. Say you have just got a confirmation from your doctor that you have cancer. And you must get out from under its influence as fast as you can. So you can first sit down and cry, scream or rant then let it sink in. Accept the fact and then concentrate on the healing process. Let it go.

Ø Ok Get this straight. Something definitely went wrong in that relationship, but first thing first... You are not the cause of it. Period.

Ø Don’t waste your energies and remaining finances in ‘getting back at him’ or getting revenge. It’s better for you this way. Let this abusive, unappreciative person go. Nature works in its own ways. The world is full of excellent people, and this is its way of enabling you reach someone more appreciative of you.

Ø First take stalk of your situation. What do you need to do to get back in control? How do you recoup your losses? Talk to someone you trust. Do you need to talk to your lawyer?

Ø Next you may need a change of ‘scene’ doing something totally different from what you used to do together. Can you take a few days ‘change of scene’ vacation and go somewhere else or do something totally different.

Ø Concentrate on building up your life and start the healing process. Remember the world is huge, beautiful and full of surprises. This is a ‘re-birth’ for you – a chance to start over again and make something better. Remember it’s not your loss; it’s a gain – a bonus from nature to escape from a relationship that was not going anywhere. So make the exit gracefully and positively and make a grand entrée in to your new life. People are going to respect you for it.

remember, there is more to life than crying over a break-up… the only way to get out of a relationship is with one’s head held high… and it‘s time you felt it for yourself…

keep also in mind that not every love relationship has a happy ending and thousands of breakups happen each day...


Anonymous said...

my goodah! i really hate break ups! hu hu huh! anyway, it just takes me a month before i can really move on , hahahaha... so stupid...

Unknown said...

the MYSTERIOUS break up...again? come on, can we have a break...Woops...Did i just say "break" again?