Monday, January 21, 2008

missing Legazpi...

Well, I love the place where I am at present because I am with my siblings…we live under the same roof and obviously, we see each other every day…but I just can’t forget my days in Legazpi…

Legazpi has been my haven for eight years so it’s not that fast and easy to forget Legazpi especially if I’m at the office (Manila)…God! I miss the MBS Tek Legazpi Office where I can comfortably wear bermuda shorts matched with a baby tee and my havaianas as my footwear at any day I want to wear a comfortable outfit…unlike here in MBS Tek Manila Office that you have to be always in proper or prescribed attire I should say because people here are very particular with the dress code and we (Legazpi people) do not have a choice but to follow the rules…

BUT hmmm…I saw this girl from Marketing Manila wearing havaianas at the office...hmmm…aren’t you aware that wearing flip flops is not allowed? Yes, even if it’s branded dear, it’s not allowed…and common sense…wearing sleeveless blouses and slippers is kinda off seeing that your superiors are always at their proper office attire… and that is actually the reason why I bought a new set of clothes, jackets especially because it’s cold in the office…I also bought a new pair of shoes (planning to buy another one on the 30th) and additional two bags to match my every day outfit…take a look at the pictures below…those are from ukay-ukay…haha! got four jackets and three blouses for 2000php…not bad, right?

Back to the topic…I miss the MBS Tek Legazpi pantry where my colleagues and I shared breakfast, lunch, and afternoon merienda…I miss the jokes of bhem, dex, lyn, and olops while at the pantry…I miss my seatmates ate cla and jirl…I miss my roommate mina even if she’s not always around…I miss the massage of mech…I miss yona and francis’ contagious laughter…I miss eating shawarma with sally…I miss jam and kr calling me “ate mydz”…I even miss tin and rhyz’ defeaning silence…And of course, I miss giving keywords to my team members – ryan, mayan, lala, and charm…haha! what I don’t miss is proofreading and editing articles…waahhh!