Saturday, December 29, 2007

another keepsake...

Got another surprise memento from one of my very close friends in MBS, talie…thank you talie…you know how much I appreciate you and your friendship…I will also miss you…see you in our Bohol adventure, my friend…love you!

and one more keepsake from bhem – my colleague, my friend, my supervisor, & my confidant…thank you for this bermuda shorts, whatever you call it…bhem, I will never forget you…we’ve been through a lot…you know that…I will surely miss you…I will miss my weekend sleepovers in your apartment and I will also miss being a nanny to gaby…love you bhem…

and another from the members of my team - mayan, ryan, lala, charm and yhen (adopted)...take a look at the pink bathrobe in the picture below...thank you my friends...

the small box is from one of my very close friends also, it's from olops...prayer cards for my everyday life...thanks lops...thanks for everything...i will surely miss you...

the book (Our Daily Journey) is from lyn - my friend who's been so nice to me...thank you so much lyn...

the big box? inside it is my new baby, a bear stuffed toy...thanks to all the people of the Content Writing Department...

and of course, the card...whew! thanks for the encouraging words pipz...


Anonymous said...

eheh.. memories, memories..

when there are no hands to hold on to, ears that will listen, mouth that will give encouragement, and shoulder you can lean upon, just close your eyes and reminisce.. we've got lots of memories shared together.. good ones to cheer us up and bad ones to teach us something..

things happen for a reason..

we may have parted ways now but we shall still meet at the crossroads, sooner or later..

i hope and pray that you will be able to find and realize your Personal Legend as what Paulo Coelho calls it..

stay strong..

we'll surely miss you too, our dear maida..Ü


NOSE BLEED ako! eheh..